Can Agroecology Feed the World?

Credit: in the Philippines, supported by the Agroecology Fund ROME, Oct 23 2020 (IPS) – Producing food and ensuring nutrition security, protecting the environment and restoring biodiversity, building sustainable and fair food systems: That’s the promise of agroecology. It is…

Vaccines Delayed are Vaccines Denied

A global system in which poor countries are unable to develop and produce their own vaccines to match their demand is not sustainable; particularly when faced by potential future pandemics. Credit: PAHO/Karen González. Jul 20 2021 (IPS) – “Vaccine equity…

COVID-19 Recovery Requires Justice Beyond Rhetoric

Credit: Global Policy Forum BONN, Germany, Sep 16 2021 (IPS) – Policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic crisis have exacerbated rather than reduced global inequalities. On the one hand, the net wealth of billionaires has risen to…